Thursday, June 06, 2024

'Run' by Ann Patchett

6 June 2024

The novels of Ann Patchett have been one of my best recent discoveries. I loved 'Bel Canto' (reviewed here in December 2023) and 'State of Wonder' (reviewed here in January 2024). I've now finished reading her 2007 novel 'Run'. This is a family story about adopted children, social status and race, which reminded me of the great contemporary American novelist Anne Tyler. I've written here many times about Anne Tyler's understated masterpieces - which never stray far from Baltimore and focus almost exclusively on domestic family life but still manage to say so much about the world. Ann Patchett's 'Run' is set in Boston, Massachusetts, and the story is provoked by a traumatic accident which made me read the rest of the novel nervously awaiting further tragedy to strike. But this is mostly a gentle, thoughtful exploration of family relationships in which all the characters are lovely - often flawed but gentle, sympathetic and understanding. 'Run' is less of a thriller than the other Ann Patchett novels I have read but it's equally well written and a very heartwarming tale.



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